GPX Manager

The GPX Manager can be opened using the button at the top of the screen on a PC, or from the menu on macOS, iOS and Android.

The GPX Manager is used to manage your GPX files. GPX files are the industry standard for geographical information. For more information, please see the following link: What is a GPX file?

Whilst the window will look different on OS X / Android / iOS, it performs the same function.


On the left hand side is a set of folders. The GPX Manager works with just one level of folder, so there is no nesting of folders inside other folders.

Each folder can contain zero or more GPX files.

The contents of the GPX Manager is saved to a database file on your local device, and therefore the contents of your GPX Manager can be accessed without requiring an internet connection. You will therefore not find these files on your local hard drive, as they are all saved to a single database file.

The button on the far right is the Sync button. Pressing this will sync your local database of GPX files with those on your Anquet Cloud account. This operation does require an internet connection. It is this operation which allows you to easily share your GPX files across different devices - say your PC and your Android phone can be kept in sync using Anquet Cloud.

The buttons going from left to right are:

  1. Open - if you have selected a file in the right hand files area of the screen, this button will be enabled. Simply click it, and OMN will open the GPX file. The contents can then be seen on the map / GPX Explorer.

  2. Import to GM. If you have an external GPX file on your hard drive, you can import it into the GM using this button. It can then be opened from the GM, and also sync'd to Anquet Cloud and onto other devices/computers.

  3. Export from GM. If you wish to send a GPX file to a friend, or use it in another software, or load it onto a GPS unit, then this button will allow you to select a GPX file in GM and save it to become a normal file on your hard drive.

  4. Add a new folder.

  5. Rename - this can be used to rename a File or a Folder.

  6. Delete - this can delete a GPX file or a Folder depending on what you have selected.

  7. Sync - discussed above.

You can drag and drop files between folders to help you organize your GPX files.

If you right click on a File or Folder, a context menu gives you quick access to some of the above functions.