How to view your newly purchased map within OMN

The installation process is very similar on all of our platforms – PC, macOS, iOS and Android.

  1. Check you are running OMN2 of OMN3

If you are running OMN Classic or earlier software, you will need to update to our latest software.

The easiest way to tell, is that you should have started OMN from one of the following icons:

If you are not running the latest OMN, then please see the following links to install the software:



OMN iOS (iPhone, iPads)

OMN Android (tablets and phones)

  1. Open My Maps

On the PC/macOS, click on the map drop down, and select the last option ‘My Maps’. On Android/iOS, tap the menu button (bottom right), select 'Map Management'.

  1. Run Sync

On the My Maps screen, press the ‘Sync’ button. The system will now do a full sync with Anquet Cloud which will enable your new subscription within the software.

  1. View your map

You should now see your new maps listed ready for use.

On PC/macOS To expand a product listing click on the arrow to the left of the product name, Select the map you wish to view, and press the 'View Map' button.

On mobiles Tap on a Product name, and the product will expand to show the maps that are contained within that product. Tap on a map and a menu will appear. Select 'View Map' to view your map.

For more information on downloading maps for offline use, please see the following links: Working with the My Maps screen Strategies for Downloading maps for offline use