Reset macOS

Reset macOS (leaves map data in place)

If OMN macOS won't startup, the following should get you up and running again.

OMN keeps your data in /Users/<Username>/Library/Containers/com.anquet.omn3macos/Data/Library/Application Support/Outdoor Map Navigator

The ‘Library’ folder is usually a hidden folder. Here are the steps to open the folder.

  1. Close OMN if open
  2. Open Finder

  1. Click on the 'Go' menu, and then select 'Go to Folder', and past in the following (without the quote marks): "~/Library/Containers/com.anquet.omn3macos/data/library/application support/Outdoor Map Navigator" and press Go.

  1. You should see a file called 'Settings.xml' - delete this file.

  2. You should see a folder called 'data' - delete this directory.

  3. Restart OMN, and it will now ask you to login and sync with Anquet Cloud

Clean all OMN data - User Data and Maps from your Mac

If you wish to fully remove all the maps as well, after step above, please add in this further step

5.5 You should see a folder called 'maps' - delete this directory.


OMN2 - pre Catalina macOS

If you are running OMN2 - blue/white icon with green stripe, then use the instructions above but replace com.anquet.omn3macos with com.anquet.omnmacos

Older OMN

If you are running OMN with a version number less than 1.04, then your data is most likely in this folder:

OMN keeps your data in /Users/<Username>/Library/Application Support/Outdoor Map’Navigator.

If you aren't sure which, our recommendations are to move to the latest software so:

  1. Using the instructions above, remove Settings.xml / omn.db from this directory: /Users/<Username>/Library/Containers/com.anquet.omnmacos/Data/Library/Application Support/Outdoor Map Navigator

  2. Install the latest OMN macOS software from OMN macOS Releases

  3. Run up OMN macOS - this will move any mapping from the old location to the new location if required.

  4. Remove everything in this directory: /Users/<Username>/Library/Application Support/Outdoor Map’Navigator - this will clean your system of any leftover files from the old installation location.